Jonas Ngoh

Jonas Ngoh loves to give advice based on his experiences. Feel free to talk to him!

How I Write My Blog Articles – Start Your Exciting Writing Journey Now!

Welcome back to part 4 of our journey of creating a website/blog! Over the past few months, I’ve been mostly adding to my backlog of articles to prepare for launch. I’ve also been contacting people who may be interested in sharing their experiences and stories on Rarefyi. Start reading our journey from Part 1 here,…

Revealing How Much I Spent to Start My Website/Blog – My Blogging Journey

As promised, here’s part 3 of how to start your own website and blog! We’re currently at month 3, preparing for our launch.  This multi-part series is where I walk you through my experiences of growing a website/blog. Rarefyi is a place where people can help others by sharing their experiences, so submit your story…

Finding Your Brand Identity – Blog/Website Journey Part 2

Part 2 of how to create a website/blog is here! I hope that you appreciate this sort-of step-by-step guide to setting up a website/blog.  We’re at the pre-launch phase, and making good progress. I’m currently fulfilling my military duties in the Singapore Army while working on Rarefyi.  In Part 1 of our Creating a Blog/Website…

My Experiences of Starting a Website/Blog (Journey) Part 1

Hi everyone! I decided to start documenting my journey of creating a website/blog.  Since my platform is all about sharing experiences, it’s obvious that I should do the same. I’ll be as transparent as possible. Hopefully, it can help anyone out there looking to begin their journey of starting something. It’s my belief that you…

5 Best Ways to Learn a New Language Today

Image: freepik Tired of feeling lost in another country? It’s not just you. It’s tough to learn a new language quickly and converse with natives from another country. I’ve been there, struggling to communicate with someone from a different country – wishing that I had learnt the language sooner. Later, I found out ways to…

7 Ways You Can Build Your Portfolio in School

Image: Firmbee Before I entered Polytechnic, I’ve been told to study hard and get a good Grade Point Average (GPA). I realised later that GPA is only one component, that building a portfolio in school is equally important.  A strong portfolio can make you stand out from the crowd by emphasising your strengths and experiences….

Is GPA Important? Do This If You Have a Low GPA

Image: energepic I’m sure most of us grew up thinking that only by doing well academically can we become successful in the future.  In schools, we are taught to ace exams with flying colours, and failures are frowned upon.  But is having a good Grade Point Average (GPA) all that important? The Point of Having…

How to Win a Writing Competition – From a NYT Competition Winner

So you did it. You finally mustered up the courage to register your interest in a writing competition. What’s next? In this post, I’ll share my experience of participating in a New York Times (NYT) Writing Competition, why I joined, as well as 10 tips to win a writing competition. You’ll get to learn from…

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