Category: National Service

All about serving national service, life in the military, tips, and experiences – mainly in the SAF.

3 Things You’ll Learn From BMT: National Service Singapore

Image: The Singapore Army Facebook A noisy chatter swept across the corridor outside the main auditorium in the Pulau Tekong camp. I looked around, only to see the parents of the enlistees share their personal moments with their soon-to-be soldiers.  It was close to 11 in the morning, and the new enlistees, myself included, just…

Life As a Recruit in BMT – NS BMT Guide Singapore

I’m not exactly sure where I should start. Recently, I POP-ed (Passing Out Parade), meaning I successfully completed Basic Military Training (BMT) in Tekong. By completing BMT, everyone’s rank will be promoted to Private.  In this article, I‘ll try my best to squeeze 9 weeks worth of BMT activities into a helpful BMT guide. Moreover,…

How I Got Into OCS: Useful Tips to Enter Command School NS

Hi guys! I saw my posting order the other day and… Image: My NS Posting Order after BMT I got into Officer Cadet School (OCS)! This is something I did not really expect to be posted to during National Service (NS). Writing this now, I recently came out of BMTC as a Recruit, and just…

Complete List of Singaporean Army Songs For Your Next March

Echo after me ah Echo even louder The familiar and consistent phrase that the Song IC says will automatically get everyone to repeat after him/her. Singing while marching has become a norm for everyone serving National Service (NS). The commanders will tell you to start the song on the left foot and end on the…

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