Category: Students

All things students. We’ll guide you through your student life with tips, advice, and more! Here’s where the cool kids learn.

School Internship Advice to Ace Your Internship Semester

Image: Ngee Ann Polytechnic Annual Report 2019 Many of us are going to experience an internship at least once in our lives. What better than to be able to get some insights ASAP right?  I was studying at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and I had to go for my internship semester (where it’ll be counted in…

7 Ways You Can Build Your Portfolio in School

Image: Firmbee Before I entered Polytechnic, I’ve been told to study hard and get a good Grade Point Average (GPA). I realised later that GPA is only one component, that building a portfolio in school is equally important.  A strong portfolio can make you stand out from the crowd by emphasising your strengths and experiences….

Is GPA Important? Do This If You Have a Low GPA

Image: energepic I’m sure most of us grew up thinking that only by doing well academically can we become successful in the future.  In schools, we are taught to ace exams with flying colours, and failures are frowned upon.  But is having a good Grade Point Average (GPA) all that important? The Point of Having…

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